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Strategies for Implementing UCD in Your Course

Quick & Easy UCD Strategies

Strategies Requiring Technology

UCD Strategies--Requiring Technology: Environment

  • Use an overhead projector, Elmo or LCD projector to magnify course materials the map or diagram for the class.
  • Use www.skype.com, Wiki’s, blogs or a discussion board to continue class discussions--set a min and max for the length of the post, the numbers of posts, also remind students that technical assistance is available.
  • Make sure any audio used is amplified enough to reach the back of the room. Use a microphone when lecturing.
  • Create online portfolios for students to use to upload and share their work with you.
  • Provide online group folders for each group to share information amongst themselves.
  • Use video conferencing with your students in remote places.
  • Use Mimio or Smartboard to record notes on the whiteboard and then post them on the course website or email them to students.
  • Allow part of the internship/practicum to be completed virtually, through on-line discussion groups, video conferencing and/or chat rooms.
  • Create a universally designed laboratory. For more information on how to do this see our UCD Tools section.
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