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Course Curriculum

Strategies for Implementing UCD in Your Course

Quick & Easy UCD Strategies

Strategies Requiring Technology

UCD Strategies--Quick & Easy: Course Curriculum

  • Use the syllabus to clearly state course expectations, long term goals and requirements and identify specific skills that students will develop and use.
  • Create a universally designed syllabus. (See examples).
  • Provide all contact information (including TTY number) on the syllabus at the beginning of the semester.
  • Provide the option of "snail-mailing" work to you as opposed to e-mail (ask the student to provide a self-addressed envelope if they want their work returned).
  • Make available texts ahead of schedule to allow students to work at their individual pace.
  • Establish clear ground rules with respect to open discussions and cultural awareness.
  • Have your students fill out a learning styles survey on the first day, rethink your course design based on the results from the learning style survey.
  • Ask students to list their questions before starting each class on content they are curious or unfamiliar with (related to the topic).
  • Allow your students to lead part of the class in a manner of their choice (i.e., video presentation, skit, debate format).
  • On a corner of the white board or wall clearly state the date, topic of the class and homework assignment at the beginning of each class.
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