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Videos, pictures and graphics related hardware and software

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(including digital cameras)

Photos appeal to visual learners. Paired with written text, digital photos provide more details to students about a specific topic, giving them another way to conceptualize things.

Most digital cameras can be run on batteries and use memory cards. They can be easily connected to a computer though a USB port.

Digital photos can be incorporated into Inspiration. PowerPoint and other programs easily. Sound can also be attached to images so that students can click on a picture and hear information about it.
Cameras can be used to document an activity as it occurs. An instructor can take a photograph of a specific subject to emphasize a point or give a demonstration of how something should look at the conclusion of a project. Digital photos can be up-loaded onto BlackBoard, PowerPoint presentations and Word documents. Instructors can e-mail those presentations.

Students can use a camera to complete assignments. For example, a lab report, they can take pictures of the stages of an experiment, thus documenting it, and then insert them into the written part of the lab report.
Digital video cameras
(e.g. Aiptex, Digital Blue Movie Creator, Logitech QuickCam, and Digigr8)

(see example column for specific examples/websites)
Digital video cameras are usually multi-functional cameras designed for capturing moments anytime, anywhere. Many have built in cameras (for still photos), and audio recorders. When purchasing a digital video camera make sure to also purchase at least a 512 MB memory card.
Digital video cameras are great tools for instructors because of their diverse functions. Instructors can use it to record lectures and post them on class websites or in presentation materials, to record and archive guest speakers for future course.

Students can use it to record projects, courses and labs for review at a later time.

Video clips

Videos clips capture the interest of the visual learner, and provide an alternative form of learning that reemphasizes the point that the instructor is making.
Videos can be used to highlight differences in theories, showcase a lab experiment, give a history of a topic, show testimonials from other students, distinguish between the correct and incorrect way of doing things or provide a discussion point for the class.

Students may also choose to create a video instead of a written paper or lab report.
Computer camera

Computer cameras combine a digital zoom, built-in microphone, and high-quality sensor to create amazing videos and shoot 1.3-megapixel still photos with ease. Or add live video to Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and AIM while you have online office hours.
Instructors can use this to hold virtual office hours and distance education, to invite guest speakers without having them in the actual room and to monitor and show internships/ practicums.

Students can use this tool for distance education, to speak with their instructor virtually and to demonstrate what their working on outside of class (internships, practicums, etc.)

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