Equity and Excellence in Higher Education: Universal Course Design Monitor with Books
  Monitor with Books

Equity and Excellence (E&E) in Higher Education
E&E is a 3-year federal grant funded by the Office of Postsecondary Education (beginning Oct. 1, 2005 ending September 31, 2008). It is designed to ensure that students with disabilities receive a quality higher education through refinement, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of the Universal Course Design (UCD) model of professional development for college faculty, administrators, and support personnel.

E&E is being conducted by the University of Massachusetts/Boston and the University of New Hampshire.

The two main goals for this grant are:

  • Increase the awareness of UCD at each model demonstration site through the use of core UCD teams.

  • Build a UCD resource/tool Website for faculty use in redesigning their courses.


The 5 model demonstration sites working with the grant are:

  • University of Massachusetts Boston

  • University of New Hampshire

  • Rhode Island College

  • University of Maine

  • University of Vermont


For more information contact Kirsten Behling: [email protected]


E & E