Academic Services

4. Ross Center for Disability Services

For students who are enrolled at UMass Boston

Contacts: Virginia (Ginny) Perelson, Director

email: [email protected], [email protected]

Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 – 5:00

Location: Campus Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 2010

Phone: 617-287-7430


Description: The Ross Center is committed to providing equal access to UMB education programs, so students may achieve their academic potential. The center provides academic accommodations and services that may include: materials in alternative formats, note takers, test-taking accommodations, sign language interpreters, and accommodation advising. Institutional efforts to comply with the broad mandates expressed in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA are coordinated by the Ross Center.

7. Healey Library

Contact: Marilyn Day; Supervisor, Curriculum Resource Center; Contact for patrons with disabilities

Phone: 617-287-5945

email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00-5:00; for weekend assistance go to Circulation Desk, 2nd floor

Location: Healey Library, 5th Floor


Description: Healey Library is committed to providing library materials and services to all users, including: location and retrieval of library materials; photocopy services; and research assistance.

ADA Information

1. ADA Compliance Office

Contact: Carol DeSouza, ADA Compliance Officer

Phone : 617-287-7607

email: [email protected]

Location: GCE – Dean’s Office, Wheatley, 1st Fl, Rm 77


Description: Ensures that appropriate offices follow all accessibility and accommodation services in relation to the ADA and 504 statutes.

Campus Center ADA Information


2. Clark Athletic Center

The Clark Athletic Center is accessible, with automatic doors on the Lower Level, Upper Level, and Plaza entrances. The center also has an automatic door to the ice rink entrance. The locker rooms are accessible.

Contact: Sergio Goncalves, Athletic Facilities Assistant

Phone: 617-287-7801 (Main Office); 617-287-7814 (Sergio Goncalves)

email:; [email protected]


Description: Intercollegiate athletics, intramurals and recreation for students, staff and faculty are the primary programs of the UMB Dept of Athletics.

Campus Services (General)

3. UMB Accessible ATM

Campus Center, Upper Level: Bank of America ATM. Withdrawals can be made using any bank’s ATM card with no extra charge.

5. TTYs (text telephone)

TTYs at UMB are in the following locations:

Campus Center : Information Desk, Upper Level. Staff will assist in sending or receiving information from the Massachusetts Relay Service.

Customer service : 617-287-4050 (Quinn Building, 02, 00070)

Enrollment Information : 617-287-6010 (Quinn Building, 02, 0007C)

Institute for Community Inclusion: 617-287-4350 (20 Park Plaza, Boston)

Project Reach : 617-287-7395 (McCormack, 01, 00413)

Public Safety : There is a TTY at the front desk that can be used in conjunction with the department’s main number, 617-287- 7799. The Public Safety TTY can also be used by persons who need access to call out.

Quinn Building : Upper Level, pay phone area

Wheatley Building : Upper Level, pay phone area

8. Parking

Information about handicapped parking spaces, vanaccessible spaces, and the MBTA’s “The Ride” drop-off:

UMB Parking map, including a map of handicapped accessible parking spaces on campus:

11. Braille Campus Center Directory

Campus Center Information Desk, Upper Level

Campus Services (Health)

9. Health Services, UMass Boston

open to all UMB students


Description: UMB Health Services is committed to providing quality medical services and education to enhance and promote the health and well being of the university community. Programs are aimed at promoting optimal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. UMB Health Services are designed to increase awareness of health related issues, assist students with making responsible decisions relative to health promotion and disease prevention, and provide quality healthcare to the University of Massachusetts Boston student population.

Beacon Fitness Center

Phone: 617-287-6789

Location: McCormack Hall, 1st floor, Room 710

Website: html

General Medicine (accredited by Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care)

Phone: 617-287-5660

Location: Quinn Administration Building, Room 2-040 Mental Health/Counseling Services

Phone: 617-287-5690

Location: Quinn Administration Building, Room 2-039

Wellness Center

Phone: 617-287-5680

Location: Campus Center, 2nd Flr, Room 2107

Contact: Kathleen Golden McAndrew, Executive Director, Health Services and interim Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs

Emergency Info

Phone: 617-287-5666


Campus Services (Social/Life)

10. Center for Students with DisABILITIES

Contact: Theo Goodenough

Phone: 617-287-7965

email: [email protected]

Location: Campus Center, Room 3001

Website: clubs/index.html

Description: Provides a base for other student organizations with respect to disability issues. Offers academic support; provides information, references, and materials about special services and opportunities for people with disabilities and the University community at large. Provides constituents with a clean, environmentally safe space.


12. Access Technology Specialist

Contact: Valerie Claire Haven

Phone: 617-287-4329

email: [email protected]

Location: Institute for Community Inclusion

Website: and

Description: Consults with UMB students regarding computer access, including WebCT and distance learning access.

13. Adaptive Computing Laboratory (ACL)

Contact: Tikeon Thomas, ACL Coordinator

Phone: 617-287-5243

email: [email protected]


Location: Healey Library, Upper Level, Room 32

Phone: 617-287-5227


Description: The ACL serves UMB students who are registered with the Ross Center for Disability Services. ACL offers professional services and the hardware and software to make computing technology available to students with disabilities. Services include training and support in the use of hardware and software, testing space for students who need special accommodations, and evaluation of needs for hardware and software adaptations.

Hardware and Software: The ACL is equipped with Mac and PC computers with large screen monitors, scanner and printer, Juliette Braille Embosser, Duxbury Braille Translator, Kurzweil Personal Reading System (1000 and 3000), CCTV (color and B&W),>
JAWS (for Windows), Dragon Dictate, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and print-enlarging software. B&W); JAWS (for Windows); Dragon Naturally Speaking, and print-enlarging software Zoom Text.

Off-Campus Services

14. Equity & Excellence (E & E) in Higher

Education Committee

Contact: Molly Boyle

Phone: 617-287-4307

Location: 20 Park Plaza, Floor 13


Description: The purpose of the Equity & Excellence in Higher Ed committee is to provide college faculty with Universal Course Design (UCD) strategies and tools to increase access for all students, including those with disabilities. It is a five-campus committee (MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) that is grant-funded through the Institute for Community Inclusion.

15. Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI)

Phone: 617-287-4300

E-mail: [email protected]

Location: 20 Park Plaza, Floor 13


Description: The Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston supports the rights of children and adults with disabilities to participate in all aspects of the community. As practitioners, researchers, and teachers, we form partnerships with individuals, families, and communities. Together we advocate for personal choice, self-determination, and social and economic justice.